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Is Metabolism Slower at What Age?

Do you remember when you were younger? When you could sit down and eat all the food in sight. Your weight didn’t matter to you. You don’t have to worry about your weight if you can still eat a meal and not be concerned about it. What age should you start to worry about your metabolism slowing? These recent findings might surprise you. These findings shocked researchers!

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism refers to a set of chemical processes that help us survive. Metabolism aids your body in converting food into energy. This in turn allows you to breathe, digest food, blood circulation, and rebuild cells. This happens in all living creatures, including plants and animals.

What is the Basal Metabolic Rat?

Basal metabolic rate (BMR), is the amount of calories you consume while at rest. The BMR declines as you get older. Your daily calorie expenditure is the total amount of calories you consume in a given day. This includes your BMR and any physical activity.

How does age affect metabolism?

Many factors can cause changes in metabolism that are age-related. As we age, our metabolism slows down and muscle mass decreases. As we age, our activity level decreases and we consume fewer calories. It is important to consider height, weight, age and sex when calculating a person’s metabolism.

The Science of Metabolism

Scientists still struggle to understand the intricate details of metabolism. They have found that genes may play a role in metabolism. Some metabolic traits are passed down from our parents. However, there is no agreement about the impact of our parents on our metabolism. It’s a simple fact. Think about it. How long have your parents influenced what you eat every day?

When does metabolism slow down?

Recent clinical study contradicts what we thought was true. It shows that middle-aged women’s metabolism slows down and men’s metabolism is faster than women’s. The study published in the journal Science refutes our excuses for gaining weight. Over 6500 people, aged 8 days to 95 years old, were surveyed and found that there is no difference in metabolic rates between men and women. The findings were shocking to many researchers.

Researchers discovered that metabolism is different for everyone at each stage of life.

  • Infancy through the age of 1 is when calorie burn is at its highest. It accelerates until it is 50% above adult rate.
  • From the age of 1 to around the age 20, metabolism slows down by approximately 3% each year.
  • It holds steady between ages 20 and 60.
  • It drops by around 0.7 percent per year after the age of 60.

The researchers analyzed the body size and muscle mass of the participants and found no difference between the sexes. The metabolic rate did not slow down in women who have gone through menopause or in adults in their 40s. Around 60, the metabolic rate slows down with a 20% drop by 95.

This is why it is so important: you cannot attribute weight gain of an average pound and a quarter per year to a slower metabolism. This is disproven by the study. There are no excuses for why we gain weight.

What You can Do to Keep Your Metabolism Working Well?

You can do many things to keep your metabolism strong.

  • A healthy diet includes plenty of fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains.
  • Keep active. Regular exercise is good for your overall health, and can increase your muscle mass.
  • Keep hydrated by drinking lots of fluids, particularly water.
  • Sleep enough; bad sleep habits can cause weight gain
  • Do not smoke; a slow metabolism is associated with tobacco use.

These tips will help you keep your metabolism strong long into your golden years. Don’t believe anyone who claims they have metabolism blessings. No matter what age, we all have the potential for our metabolism to work hard. Your metabolism will follow your lead if you take care of yourself. Keep active! There are no excuses!

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